Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The conclusion of today's production marks the end to another semester of LBCC Viking news-reporting.  Before I get too emotional, let me first congratulate our two co-editors, Daniel and Mike, respectively.  

I think we can tell from Mike's bordering on violent rampage expression, that the responsibilities of editor-in-chief are far and wide and stressful.  Yet, I am happy to report that, in my opinion at least, this semester was a complete success.  Myself and hopefully everybody else was able to take away great learning experiences and memories.  I genuinely look forward to participating on the Viking next semester.  

Now for sleep...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hello friends and family,

I have not posted for a few days because I have been very busy for a few days.  


Today I did get back on track in terms of piecing together a budget cut story for the final edition of the Viking before the semester ends.  

Yesterday I sent LBCC's Executive Vice President, Ann-Marie Gabel, a few questions about how the State's budget cuts will be implemented.  Here are the questions I sent her.

-How much money will LBCC lose?

-How will LBCC implement the cuts?  For example...
-How will student services be affected?
-Will student fees go up?
-Will course offerings be cut down?
-Will the hiring of full time and or part time faculty members be affected?

-How will the administration be affected?
-According to the recent administrative reorganization plan, three new administrative positions are to be added.  Will the budget cuts affect the addition of these new employees?

-Other community colleges, like De Anza Community College, are using grants to temporarily offset the cuts.  Will LBCC be implementing any strategies to reduce the cuts?

If anybody has suggestions regarding other questions that should be asked, I would love to hear them.  I will post results to these questions as I get the answers.  

...on a lighter note...

Congratulations Daniel, Mike anddddd Kallayan!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The table above summarizes the 2008-09 first quarter budget performance report for LBCC's unrestricted general fund as of September 30.  I acquired the report form Vice President of Administrative Services Ann-Marie Gabel.  

I requested the report out of curiosity because during a Channel 4 News interview on LBCC's  Liberal Art Campus, Gabel said LBCC will be facing mid-year budget cuts amounting to about 5 or 6 million and that, "this is the worst I've seen it in my 10 years in the community college system."  


I intend my next story to be about the cuts and the State Government's role in creating/implementing these cuts.  

De Anza College student Daniel Gamberg's story, "Gov's budget cuts loom over college," from La Voz Weekly Online, covered the same topic.  According to Gamberg, the De Anza district plans to, "host three open forums aimed at informing the public about the situation and addressing concerns.  A forum is scheduled for De Anza on Dec. 8 at 11:30 a.m."  

Hopefully similar measures will be taken in Long Beach to ensure the cuts are handled appropriately.  

I will continue to post/cover this topic when Thanksgiving break is over.  I hope everybody has a nice break.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Post Production Day Blues

The condition of the Viking newsroom on Mondays following a production week is gloomy to say the least.  Jim, we need to get you an X Box or something in there for those lonely days.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

No Name Badge Blocker

When Viking reporter Ricklyn Hukriede and myself were covering a faulty alarm incident around 10 am today in the D building, this unnamed ...(self conscious?)... fire fighter was unwilling to let us see his name badge after trying to get an interview/photograph.   

If this fire fighter feels that he has to hide his name badge from a community college newspaper, what else will he hide it from?

It is always interesting to see people's reaction to reporters/photographers.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Office?

It is about twelve minutes past eleven o' clock and I am sitting on my couch and not in or just leaving the Viking news room.  


Isn't this production day ...(night)... for the Viking?

Indeed it is a production night and the rest of the staff, I hope by now, is not baking under the green florescent light of the newsroom.

The production of this most recent 11/19 issue went, in my opinion, smoother than any of the other issues for this semester.

"Why Steven?" you ask?

No Idea.

What I do know, is that situations like this one do not help when you think you are on the verge of wrapping up your page.

Although, I do draw large amounts of inspiration from Co-Editor in Chief, Daniel Van Hoosier.  His tribal pen tapping beats remind me of the swift key strokes on a keyboard.   

Certainly Mike's entrepreneurial use of the white board pens was a means that lead to our early end tonight...

All I know is that at the end of the night, I had a great time learning something new with some good memories to take away.  Thanks to all that enabled that.  To be continued...